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stm32f103 CAN send fail...

hi there.I'm trying to CAN transmit on my target board is not to send CAN message on stm32cubeide . but I confirmed that my board send CAN message on mbed.Can I how to send CAN message on stm32cubeide?? I intended CAN baudrate 500kbps, sampl...

Slee.13 by Associate II
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Resolved! I'm new at STM MCUs and trying to develop a new board based on STM32G070RBT6. I have few questions like reset, program over UART, etc.

1) I've checked multiple schematics for blue pill, black pill, etc., and saw capacitor and resistor on reset button line. I've built a test (pinout) board and without any capacitor or resistor. I can reset it (NRST pin to ground). May this cause a ha...

Amad by Associate II
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Does RTC 1Hz calibration align to 1 second boundary?

I'm trying to get an RTC timestamp from an external event down to the us. My plan is to output the 1Hz calibration from the RTC and externally tie that to TIM8-CH1 as an input capture (reset-on-capture). The external event would route to the RTC time...

DWann by Associate III
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Resolved! Software PWM, best approach?

It finally happened, i need two pins without pwm functionality to output pwm signals (minimum 1kHz)Im using an STM32f072R8Tx clocked with HSI48Mhz, my TIM1 is available.My idea is:TIM1 channels 1 and 2 set up as PWM NO OUTPUT with interruption enable...

Javier1 by Principal
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Resolved! Quickest way to set multiple port pins

Hi,I am trying to connect to a 16 bit parallel display interface. To write new data, I have to use pins on five different ports (GPIOs A, B, C, D, E). Right now I am setting these pins like this:PORT_D15->BSRR = (PIN_D15 << 16) | (((data >> 15) & 0x...

STM32L5 FDCAN Message RAM access failure

Hello,I've been using the STM32L5 FDCAN HAL Driver but I have some problems with it.When i try sending some CAN 2.0 frames to the STM32, an isr is called and the error Message RAM access failure is raised.Sometimes, the ACK is sent but the interrupt ...

ABouk.1 by Associate III
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