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Forum Posts

What is the bug in STM32 hardware I2C?

I am from China,I was told that STM32 hardware I2C has bug.So I always use software simulation I2C with two ordinary GPIO Pins. I was wondering what is the bug exactly?Is it a rumor ,or is it true?I hope get opinion from abroad website,because you sp...

Ethan1 by Associate III
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STM32L443VCT6 ADC fault

I've been tinkering around STM32 (L443VCT6) for a couple of weeks now and one thing I don't get is I'M USING THE ADC_IN 10 CHANNEL. MY ADC MEASUREMENT REMAINS THE VOLTAGE RANGE ON THE PIN LEGS, HOWEVER, MY ADC VALUE IS INCREASING. AFTER 4095 IT IS NO...

BSola.2 by Associate
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STM32F407 internal flash write sucess but read error.

I am trying to encrypt part of my code and write back to internal flash. The MCU is STM32F407 and write to flash sector 3 (0x0800C000 - 0x0800FFFF). I customized the sct file to avoid other codes taking the place.The encrypted data takes 1Kbytes and ...

PZhan.11 by Associate II
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Peak detection with adc

Hi guys.I have 2 GPIOs, one is used as a PWM, the other one is used as ADC.and the peak comes in the falling edge of the PWM singal.and the plus width is only like 2us.I want to get the value of the peak voltage using ADC.The problem is, if I use a i...

XZhen.2 by Associate II
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