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I whish to make a main application for use with a custom bootloader.The main application should be compiled to a hex file with all empty space above the app, filled with 0xFF and with some of the last bytes containing a checksum of the app image.I fo...
On my NUCLEO-G071RB board, I am able to use CubeMX to setup VREFBUF mode to use the VREF+ input-pin, internal 2.5V or 2.048V for reference for ADC and DAC.But I'm making a schematic for a STM32G071GBUxN, which does not have a VREF+ pin and in CubeMX ...
How do I get a callback function for the HAL_TIM_OnePulse_Start_IT function?I have a STM32G071 Nucleo board.I whish to start a one-shot timer that calls an interrupt callback function when the time has elapsed. For this I have chosen the timer 6 and ...