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Resolved! USB endpoint limitations?

Hi there, I am trying to implement 3 CDC interfaces over USB. I'm using the USB stack generated by CubeMX, I enabled composite devices and call 3 times "USBD_RegisterClassComposite" in my "MX_USB_Device_Init".I am having troubles with endpoint number...

Resolved! Plug and Program Options

I am using the STM32H743VIT6 LQFP100. I am integrating it into a custom board and looking for the best (easiest, cheapest, fastest) way to program it. This will be in a setting where we would like to just plug in a programmer and hit program; however...

Resolved! RTC Not Working When Using VDD for VBAT on STM32L4

Hello STM32 Community,I’m encountering an issue with the RTC on my STM32L4 microcontroller. When I connect VDD to the VBAT pin (without using a battery), the RTC is not functioning. However, if I use a battery for VBAT, the RTC works fine.Here’s the ...

Sujith by Associate III
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L431RC CANBUS Bootloader problem

Hello, I am a developer and I am using the L431RC chip on a custom board. I am using CAN BUS to communicate with the system, and during normal operation (via firmware), there are no communication issues,in fact, everything works quite well. However, ...

Fede by Associate
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Delta Device Firmware Update and FOTA

Using following Setup:IDE : VS Code (NRF connect plug-in)Programmer : Stm32Cube programmerDebugger: St-linkOS: Zephyr 3.6MCU: Stm32u5 seriesBootloader: mcubootI am looking for stm32 echo system tools and libraries for the delta firmware update of the...

A Maq by Senior
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PWM Frequency Variation Issue in STM32G0C1RET6

Hello, I am trying to vary the PWM frequency of Timer 2 in between 20Khz to 200 Khz in stm32G0C1RET6 Board.1. Whenever I change the Frequency from 200 Khz to 20 Khz, it works. but then I change it again to 200Khz it just doesn't work. my PWM line goe...

Rohit007 by Associate III
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Resolved! I2C Gives No Output

For the life of me I cannot get the I2C pins on my microcontroller to output anything.I am using I2C1 on pins PB6 (SCL) and PB9 (SDA) on the STM32F746VGT microcontroller. The pins are hooked up to a TXS0108E level shifter that has built-in pull up re...

CCend.2 by Associate III
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