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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32G491KEU6 - booting problem

Hello,I need to use a nRST pin as MCO in my aplication and programm my STM with STlink v3-set. I set up a MCO to output 8MHz signal and set nRST pin to GPIO with code you can see bellow. Now I have a problem with booting - I cannot connect to STM, Cu...

Case STM32 ST-LINK Utility cannot connect Target

 We purchased 403pcs MCUs (STM32F401VBH3) with date code 314 from Mouser website, as shown in the picture below, they have been assembled on the board, When preparing to program them with ST-LINK utility and the programmer (ST-LINK/V2), I found that ...

MCU with date code 314.jpg Fault display.jpg Connect under reset.jpg MCU with date code 746.jpg
Justing by Associate II
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Resolved! Stuck in Infinite_Loop

I am using the B-L072Z-LRWAN1 and trying to code LPTIM with interrupts and no HAL. The code seems to be getting stuck in the Infinite_Loop section in the startup.s file. The comments around this loop say that an unexpected interrupt was triggered. If...

Resolved! STM32H747I-DISCO QT

Hi,I have a question regarding the implementation of the Qt framework for the STM32H747I-DISCO board. While browsing the Qt website, I noticed an example for the similar STM32H750B-DK board, but I couldn’t find any information specific to the DISCO m...

RafalBil by Associate II
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hal_delay() not working

So I've created a project and am trying to use the HAL_delay(10); but it gets stuck at this function when im trying to debug. I have been changing the clock and enabling the TIM2 so I don't know if i've messed something up. Here are the settings that...

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PPopo.1 by Senior
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Hal_Delay has stopped working ( STM32F030C6T6 )

Hal_Delay çalışmayı durdurdu ( STM32F030C6T6 )Forumda buna benzer birçok konu okudum ama bir çözüm bulamadım. Sanırım sorunun kaynağının bu olduğunu anlayalı 7-8 gün oldu. Hal_Delay() çalışmadığı için GetTick() fonksiyonunu da kullanamıyorum. Basit t...

XooM by Senior
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RTC Oscillator not stable

Hello,In one of our new PCBs we use a STM32L476VET6. For the RTC we use an external Oscillator (shown in the Picture)The drive power is set to the highest level.In our setup, the RTC only works at room temperature and with no probe connected. As soon...

FabianHladik_0-1731585469263.png FabianHladik_1-1731586045292.png

Resolved! STM32 UART Byte-to-Byte treatment

Hello, I am trying to receive and transmit byte-to-byte on a STM32F429 Discovery, I will be using a STM32U5 Discovery soon. I used UART IT method but maybe there is a better solution...Objective & Issue:I want to continuously receive and send byte-to...

Nero by Associate II
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How to clear the specified flash page's WRP?

Hi there,I want to clear the specified flash page's WRP by program, but I can only do it by clearing all the flash page's WRP,meanwhile, I also need to keep my data in option code is as follows(the project at HERE :(uint8_t data0 = HAL_FLASHE...

Junde by Senior III
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