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Forum Posts

Why are basic peripherals not working in sleep mode?

Hi I am using stm32l452RC for my project. When I put the MCU to sleep using  HAL_PWR_EnterSLEEPMode(PWR_MAINREGULATOR_ON, PWR_SLEEPENTRY_WFI) all my general purpose timers are not running. I use  HAL_SuspendTick() before making the MCU go into sleep ...

RAnan.3 by Associate III
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Volts above VCC are dangerous for the ADC

Hi, I’m using a STM32F407G-DISC1 board which has 3V power supply.An ADC measures output of op amp. Output voltage is clamped with 3.3V Zener diode. Is the additional 0.3 volts above VCC dangerous for the ADC?

AAbd.1 by Associate
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Does STM32G0x1 have a WKUP3 pin?

Referring to RM0444 and DS12232 (referring to STM32G0x1 programming manual and data sheet).In the Low Power section, the RM states that there are five wakeup pins:But in the register section, there is clear mention of WKUP3 (EWUP3 bit in PWR->CR3, WP...

SHobb.1 by Associate II
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