What is the role of syscalls.c file in GNU ARM(STM32 for instance) based projects? I found 2 ways of successfully building the project1. Delete syscalls.c and include -specs=nosys.specs in the linker flags2. Simply include syscalls.cWhat is the funda...
Hello again everybody. I have run into the following problem: I try calibrate the ADC1 and plain calibration seems to work just fine (apparently), but as soon as I try to follow the Extended Calibration procedure, described on page 1007 of the Holy U...
Dear Sir.I need the output of the ADC to be signed .the adc is configured . /** Common adc1 configuration */ hadc->Init.ClockPrescaler = ADC_CLOCK_ASYNC_DIV1; hadc->Init.Resolution = ADC_RESOLUTION_14B; hadc->Init.DataAlign = AD...
I cannot get the CAN bus CAN1_RX0 interrupt to fire. I have two other development boards (STM32429i-EVAL1 and STM32373C-eval) that both work correctly. I am using the same code in each setup thru the ST MX and IDE. The Eval boards have built in C...
I'm trying to set up the SPI5 for a test but see a lot of references online indicating the pins modes need to also be set. I figured the driver would do that. The init seem pretty straight forward. but the transmit does not. Do I need to set my pin m...
Hello everyone,I am working with the board STM32F446RE with SX1261 on mbed os.SITUATION: I want to measure the time difference between the send moment and the receive moment of a packet (transmitted by LoRa). Basically, when I send packet A (send tim...
Hello All, We are trying to get some debug trace info from our project and trying to use ITM for the same.For our product we are using the follwoing: STM32H743 Keil Version 5.24.1 ULINK 2 debuggerI created a simple project following many forum topics...
I am facing a problem when trying to wake up from Stop2Mode. I am able to come out of stop2mode from an external interrupt with no problem but when using wakeuptimer interrupt the unit doesn't wake up.I have tried that setting the wakeup timer interr...