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STM32H753VIT6 SPI Receive interrupt as a master with FTDI's FT4222HQ-D

  1. I just want to connect STM32H753VIT6 with FT4222HQ-D using SPI.
  2. STM32 is a master, and FT4222 is a slave.
  3. i want to set that STM32 send a data first by polling and then receive a char data by interrupt.
  4. when i receive a data, i wanna have no buffer, just using receive date register(RXDR) and put that register's value into a variable.
  5. then i use that variable for my taste.

but Problem is

  • now i'm using if(SPI2->SR & SPI_FLAG_RXWNE). but it seems not working.
  • when it runs, TransmitReceive works but Receive_IT dosent work.
  • and so many problem is on me.
  • please give me a advice

many thanks!