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Forum Posts

Multi Slave I2C Connection guidance

Hello,I have one master and multiple slave devices for I2C Connections.So, my Query is that;I am connecting series resistors after the Pull up Resistors on SDA SCL lines,Now the query is that should I connect those Series Resistors at only Master sid...

DBhut.1 by Senior
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Role of syscalls.c

What is the role of syscalls.c file in GNU ARM(STM32 for instance) based projects? I found 2 ways of successfully building the project1. Delete syscalls.c and include -specs=nosys.specs in the linker flags2. Simply include syscalls.cWhat is the funda...

stm32u575 adc differential mode

Dear Sir.I need the output of the ADC to be signed .the adc is configured . /** Common adc1 configuration */  hadc->Init.ClockPrescaler      = ADC_CLOCK_ASYNC_DIV1;  hadc->Init.Resolution        = ADC_RESOLUTION_14B;  hadc->Init.DataAlign        = AD...