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Forum Posts

What is the thought of putting two processors in parallel sharing all but one pin. And only one is active at a time depending on the state of the one pin at reset?

I have a system that needs to run for years. But is in a place where it cannot be maintained. The desire is to have two processors, one running, and one in backup. The second can be powered down, or powered up, but in lowest power sleep mode. If a pr...

IRQ from SPI DMA Rx Complete before end (too early)

I use an SPI interface with Rx and Tx DMA to transfer a 22 byte buffer from a spi slave. Chip select is handeled withLL_GPIO_ResetOutputPin(TDK_nCS_Port, TDK_nCS_Pin);set to high again to end transfer I wanted to use:// SPI5 - IMU TDK Rxvoid DMA2_Str...

snigg by Associate III
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1.board-NUCLEO-H743ZI2 . we are dumping code into flash externally through USB .for that we are making boot0 pin high and low it possible to make boot0 pin high and low in software. I don't have access to change boot0 pin in MX.

we are not able to change boot0 pin in MX configuration. for other input output pins we are able to change the configuration but not for boot0 pin.Thanks in advance.

SChan.23 by Associate
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FDCAN between two STM32H747 MCU boards

I would be interested in implementing a FDCAN communication between two STM32H747 MCU boards. I have implemented communication on a single board in External LoopBack mode. However, I am having problems understanding how to connect the two boards. Do ...

FVist.1 by Associate
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Problems sending SPI Data from STM32 to arduino

I'm trying to learn how to communicate via SPI with STM32 but I've run into some problems.The first step i took was to implement SPI communications using two arduino unos: the master writes a byte and the slave responds with another byte according to...

HPont.2 by Associate
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Keyboard scanner library sought

I'm in search for a library of routines that allow for scanning keyboard matrices with or without diodes in various configurations. I've heard it exists for Arduiono but I'm pretty sure there is such for the STM32 series too (my target is an STM32F10...

Controlling a Nucleo-L476RG Board Wirelessly

I am starting a DSP class project that will be auto-adjusting blinds using the Nucleo-L476RG board. To start off, I am wondering how it is possible to control the Nucleo board wirelessly with an android phone. I am aiming to control a stepper motor ...

JEscu.2 by Associate II
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