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application code stucked when OTA used on freertos

hi there,I am using OTA in freertos, when I used it on bare controller it work properly but As I shifted to freertos, Application code stuck. i search on google, this is beacuse of I disable all interrupt, Then reset handler executed and...

ykn by Senior
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Standby mode repeatedly enters

I am currently trying to read the data in flash memory after waking up using rtcalarm in standby mode.However, waking up via rtcalarm in standby mode works normally, but I feel like the code is starting all over again.Is there a way to execute the re...

THwna.1 by Associate
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Resolved! SPI1 initialization without HAL

Hello I am using nucleo G031K8 with STM32 cube ide and I am trying to initialize the SPI1 peripheral with registers.Here is my init code and the corresponding wrong registers. The RCC and GPIO registers are fine. Only SPI1 registers are wrongHow can ...

Tommino by Senior
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Query on operation of SAI in asynchronous slave mode

Hi Team,I have a scenario where I am operating the SAI1_A peripheral in the Nucleo-L552ZEQ . The device is configured to be in asynchronous slave mode. The master device generates the SAI_FS, SAI_SCK and the SAI_SD signals. Could you please clarify o...

Jansunil by Associate II
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SPI2 Problem STM32F303CC

Hello everbody, Im using a STM32F303 and want to communicate with a MAX31855.Im using the STM in full duplex master mode, under 1MBit/s data rate and standard settings. CS ist working fine, SCK is working fine (want to read 4 times 8 bit, 32 pulses),...

PP1 by Associate
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I have problem using uart on stm32f207ZG.

Hello, people.I have problem using uart on stm32f207ZG, for some reason my board only uses 4 uart and the others don't work. I set everything up as in the example, everything is assembled and flashed, but the UART is silent from 1 to 6 UART, except f...

DBezk.1 by Associate
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STM32f103 EXTI external interrupt problem.

For 3 days I have been increasing with the problem. I explain what's going on. I am trying to read using stm32f103 the width of the PWM pulses coming from the 4 channels of the RC receiver. I configured external EXTI interrupts, on 4 channels, edge t...

KSido.1 by Associate
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Resolved! How accuracy is internal HSI RC clock

Try to use STM32G0 LQFP32 MCU do accuracy frequency measurement, but there is no HSE crystal interface, so internal HSI RC will be for system clock, the accuracy of the system clock will affect the frequency, how accuracy is internal HSI RC clock

New.Fish by Associate III
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Problem with slave SPI receiving

Hello, i've got trouble with receiving SPI in interrupt.Im running 2 SPI's on STM32F103RCT6; first is transmit only master, second is receive only slave, bus speed is 2MHz on both. SYSCLK is 64MHz.Transmitting works great (blocking mode), but HAL_SPI...

MMcAl.1 by Associate III
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