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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32F030 Receiving UART Data Only Once

Hello,I'm trying to send data to STM32 from NodeMCU. My project is simply controlling WS2812B LEDs by using SPI from STM32 and receiving commands by using UART to STM32 from NodeMCU. LED's working fine by SPI but I can only receive data once at start...

salvi.a by Associate II
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SPI write read is not done properly

Hello,I am working on STM32h7 controller. I configure the AD9106 DAC to SPI. When I tried to write read the configuration register some some registers are get read write and some not why these happening I check the register they are read write able ...

MDeva.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! DMA LPUART work only once when power on

Hello everyone,I work on a project with STM32L072CBT6.I want to use a DMA RX on LPUART1, after reading differents ressources i have setup my LPUART and my DMA.I want to receive an interrupt from my DMA when transmit IDLE (end of transmit).My problem ...

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MLam by Associate III
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Need help in reading data from a pressure sensor

Hi!I'm new to embedded programming and I'm trying to write a minimal program using I2C to read data from a pressure sensor.I'm using the STM32F429 board and the Sen-16476 Sparkfun pressure sensor.I'm unsure about which pins I need to connect between ...

PReba.1 by Associate
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STM32L051 halt on HAL_RCC_ClockConfig

Hello folks,I have an issue with STM32L051C8T6 - processor halt always on HAL_RCC_ClockConfig verification and have no idea where it's coming from.I made a simple blink project with only two lines of code as a new CubeIDE project (all defaults) with ...

DNiko.1 by Associate II
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Is STM32Lxx affected by PCN# MDG/22/13640?

Hello,Would you please double check are those low power types STM32Lxx affected by PCN# MDG/22/1364 as attached?In PCN only general purpose types STM32G070xx, STM32G071xx and STM32G081xx listed:In attachment “Public Product List�? low power types hav...

Joby by Associate
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Resolved! STM32L431VC - Can VREF+ be sequenced off of VDD/VDDA?

Hello - I am working on a safety critical application using the STM32L431VC that requires the VREF+ voltage rail to be powered off of a different voltage rail than the main VDD and VDDA rail. The VDD and VDDA voltage rails are being generated by a s...

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