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Hi,​After I configure hospi1->Init.MemoryType = HAL_OSPI_MEMTYPE_HYPERBUS;​If I still want to send a command using CA[47:0] (or DQ[7:0]) and read back data such as device ID, how should I approach this? Is there an example code I can refer to?I am wo...
Hi,I am wondering if it is possible to internally connect two GPIO pins by software, not using wires.Thank you
I have three UARTs on the board, all passed the loopback test (wire the tx and rx pin together on the same UART)Then I connect UART 1 to UART2 while UART 1 is transmitter and UART2 is receiver.UART 1 is using HAL_UART_Transmit() to send data to UART2...
Hi,I am trying to add new folders in CubeIDE and get them compiled.Taking STM32CubeU5 as an example.I imported a GPIO example, under the file tree, it will show:--include--Application --Startup --User--Drivers --BSP --CMSIS --STM32U...
Hi,After reading the document I understand the interrupts are handled by pin#, and we set GPIOsel within EXTI_ConfigTypeDef.My question is how do we determine which port generates the interrupt?Suppose I use PA0 and PB0, and I only want to use one ca...