STM32F103 thermal resistance (j-C)
Hi, I'm using STM32F103CBU6TR and I can't find the thermal resistance (j-C).BRShmuel
Hi, I'm using STM32F103CBU6TR and I can't find the thermal resistance (j-C).BRShmuel
Hi,I am using STM32F303CBT6 MCU and WEO004864AWPP3N00000 OLED.Problem :Imagine, the black color shape is an actual OLED display, If I am showing something in the display. It is shown in the red color shapes. Once I scroll the display, only I can see ...
Hello.I try to use ADC with STM32H743II. The problem is that the calibration flag is not reset.//ADC1 RCC->AHB1ENR |= RCC_AHB1ENR_ADC12EN; //Exit DEEP Sleep ADC1->CR = 0; while(ADC1->CR != 0) { ADC1->CR = 0; }; //Enable LDO ADC1->CR = ADC_CR_A...
Can I use STM32F411RE to learn DSP programming? Please advise!
I use CMSIS to write program that transfer data from SD card through SDIO. For my task i need 4bit mode, but it isn't working. When i try to read some block from SD card STBITERR bit in SDIO_STA register goes high, that means that start bit hasn't be...
There is a problem with the start-up of both HF (25MHz) and RTC(32k) oscillators after a turn-OFF followed by immediate turn-ON (cca couple ms).Oscillators:EPSON FA-238 EPSON FA-135The RTC crystal does not start-up at all and the HF one does show ins...
Hello,I am using an STM32H753 mcu and I working on a project with 8 GPIO Interrupt Pins. I am using RTX RTOS. The problem is that when the interrupt happens the same time with a thread activation. The mcu goes in dummy handler with bus Precision erro...
This is my test program:uint8_t dev_test=0x00;while(1){HAL_GPIO_WritePin(DW_NSS_GPIO_Port, DW_NSS_Pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET);HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi1,&dev_test,1,10);HAL_SPI_Receive(&hspi1,test_R,4,10);HAL_GPIO_WritePin(DW_NSS_GPIO_Port, DW_NSS_Pin, GPIO_PI...