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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32H745 DAC2 missing

Hi, I would need dual DAC using STM32H745. According to datasheet, it should have two DAC converters. In STM32CubeIDE, I can see only DAC1 with two channels. In the datasheet, I can only see DAC1_OUT1 and DAC1_OUT2 pins, but no DAC2 out pins. Is ther...

mosamasa by Associate II
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STM32U5 RTC calibration process

I am currently working with an STM32U5 microcontroller and would like to request more information on the process of calibrating the RTC (Real-Time Clock). We are using an external 32.768 kHz LSE oscillator with 10pf burden capacitors, but we are obse...

SPI CLK frequency dividing method

SPI CLK frequency dividing methodIn microcontroller (STM32H43), SPI1, 2, and 3 use a common CLK Source.Is it possible to separate these CLK Sources?Also, I would like to divide SPI2 and 3 more than 256 divisions, but is that possible?Please help me.

Resolved! problem with debug

hello everyoneI'm having problem with debugging stm32f103 blue pill with Keil 5.39 ans st-link v2 programmer work fine when i load code without debug on micro but when i want to go to debug mode, my code run till the line__HAL_AFIO_REMA...

EBrz by Associate
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Resolved! ADC Measurements of VDD

Dear Community, I started investigating issues on one old project that based on STML071xB and has been implemented by another engineer. I got confused with implementation of battery measurements. Here is the thing: 1. MCU is directly supplied by a ba...

ramil by Associate II
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Resolved! SPI communication - interval between bytes

Question about SPI communication intervalWe are using HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive to achieve SPI communication, but there is an interval of some us after the SCLK outputs for 8 bits. Is it possible to change this interval time?


For the STM32G474QE i read that the VREF is either 2.048V 2.5V or this the maximum voltage the ADC can read in single ended and in differential mode? so if i have a signal that is max 2.9V and min 0V. Will this work? or is the VREF the middle...

Erwin_N by Associate II
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