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Forum Posts

Firmware source code *** boom for STEVAL-DPSLLCK1?

Hello, are the firmware source codes for STEVAL-DPSLLCK1 available?There is a diagram in the Data brief, but it does not contain more information about the main transformer, CT, etc., is there a complete boom of components?I didn't find it on the web...

Bazalt by Associate
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Nor-flash external loader problem.

Hi,I followed the "How to create an external API loader MOOC" videos and after some struggle I managed to get it working for a board using the H7 with an Infineon S25FL127 memory.When I tried to do the same using a board with the G4 and with the same...

Asantos by Senior
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SDRAM : Some data not writting correctly

I am working on STM32H745BIT6 with W9812G6KH-6 SDRAM 16bit data bus. I have initialised the SDRAM and HAL driver seems to be returning HAL_OK so seems it is initialised properly.I write incremental data and read back. Observed some of the data not ge...

ATank.1 by Associate III
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Need help with example code. I'm trying to do simultaneous ADC sampling on 3 analog inputs at 80KHz for 80 samples. Like to kickoff sampling on trigger from analog comparator. DMA samples to buffer and interrupt when buffer is full.

Thinking STM32G7474xx wound be a good fit but not sure. Need M4 CPU with FPU and low power modes. Like to have MCU in low power mode until buffer full. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I am new to ST MCU tools and not sure even where to begin....

MSamp.1 by Associate
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