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Forum Posts

RTCv2 coarse calibration remarks

While the Coarse calibration in RTCv2 is obsolete, in 'L1 and 'F2 it's the only method (and I know 'L1 is NRND, but it's still around and will be for years to come, if ST sticks to its commitment), and as long as it's mentioned in 'F4 it should be pr...

STM32 ADC and DMA with LL libraries

Hello everyone, I'm trying to sample some signals inside a timer ISR. I use all three ADC units of the mC (multiple channels in the first unit and 1 channel in each of the other two units) and I use software triggering and DMA transfer.This operation...

Resolved! One by one port pin configuration locking

There is no clear information in the reference manual about port pin configuration locking one by one. For example (desired code): void SomeFunction() { // locking pin configuration one by one LL_GPIO_LockPin(GPIOA, LL_GPIO_PIN_0); LL_GPIO_Lock...

brat0x2 by Associate
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STM32U5 - does OctoSPI support inter-byte spacing?

Hi there,I'm working on a project with the STM32U5. This MCU comes with both a SPI and a OCTOSPI peripheral.The SPI peripheral supports a setting called MasterInterDataIdleness - in the reference manual it's shown as "master Inter-Data Idleness", whi...

Resolved! LPTIM Multiple odd behaviours

I am writing an LPTIM driver without HAL or LL drivers on the B-L072Z-LRWAN1 board. I have been getting a number of odd behaviours here that I am hoping someone here can shed some light on.1) cannot enable continuous start          -bit 2 of the CR r...