Hi, when I click generate code, sometimes it gets into a loop of just loading, I've attached a screenshot. When I click generate code again, it usually builds, but it does this quite often.
Hi, I was curious on the operation of the tearDownScreen function in regards to local variables created in the screen views hpp file. If I create a Struct A in screenview, and pass it by reference to the presenter then to the model, is this recommend...
Hi, I have a situation where the startup screen is chosen based on a the value of a variable. Is there any way to programmatically add a if else for the startup screen?
Hi I was wondering what the best method is to change screens programatically. I sawapplication().gotoXScreenNoTransition()and alsostatic_cast<FrontendApplication*>(Application::getInstance())->gotoXScreenNoTransition(); Is there any difference in eff...
Yes, I have a .project and .cproject in the same folder. When I get the infinite message, I am able to continue using the application. The generated code and everything else works fine. There is no development block with this, however it makes me cli...
Hi, my touchgfx is running 4.24.1, this started relatively recently, however I'm not sure what caused it. It happens just about every other time I generate code. The board is a STM32F7xxx.
Hi, I have tried that and it works, I was asking because I wanted to know best practices for this situation in touchGFX, because I was not sure how destruction of the screens copy of the struct would impact sending it as a reference back to the model...
Hi, the structures are all created in the model/a struct file. The situation is that the data is stored in the model. So, when I pass data (structs) to the screenviews, I pass them as const references and assign them to a local variable of the struc...