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Forum Posts

SRC236/441 libs with Hard FPU support?

I believe all of the audio processing addon libs, (SRC236/SRC441) are built without hardware FPU support. The problem is my entire project was built with hard FPU support. I tried the mixed SW/HW, but that didn't solve the issue and I couldn't build ...

Zaher by Senior II
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Communication with STEVAL-MKI109V3 kit

I would like to use STEVAL-MKI109V3 with LSM6DSV16x Imu sensor. I have other tools like ESP32 and some sensors that controls autobrake system based on IMU data. I communicate between ESP32 and PC(Python) through BLE. However, if I add STM32F401VE. th...

FKara.3 by Senior
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Resolved! SPI Signal Shape Issue

Hello,I am try to control an external DAC system with the SPI interface. The clock signal shape looks like the attached file. I didn't figure out the meaning of the signal. Yellow is the clock signal and the blue is CS signal.

AE104 by Senior
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Bit Banding issue

I have an issue with using bit banding on stm32U575ZI-Q board when I want to write on it Hard fault is appear what is the problem and How to overcome this issue?

rsoli.1 by Associate II
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littleFS on STM32H753 using Keil - issue

Hello,I'm using STM32H753 eval board, earlier I was using STM32CubeIDE wherein I've successfully tested littleFS(File system) library with external flash. littleFS - code works ok in debug mode and nor...

AShel.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Stop mode is woken by another EXTI line

STM32L071CBT wakeup power button PC13, PWM signal = PA11I have a device that wakes every 20 seconds then goes to sleep, it can also wake when the power button is pressed, part of it's wake cycle it to check the servoInt pin for setup /*C...

markH by Associate III
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When one does ADC oversampling, what should be the sampling time?? Higher sampling time or lower sampling time will give better results??

i am working on ADC oversampling using STM32 nucleo board. I have increased 2 bits by using appropriate oversampling ratio and bit shifting. But when i used lower sampling time i observed less % error between expected v/s measured ADC count then high...

STee.3 by Associate II
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STM32F411 - temperature sensor returning 0

Hi All , Im trying to read the temperature from the internal temperature sensor.But everytime Im reading i recevied 0Here is my code:#define ADC1EN (1U<<8)void temp_init(){ // Configure ADC module ADC1_IN18 channel // Enable Clock access RCC->APB2ENR...

Tmizr.1 by Associate II
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