RUN_PD bit not found in RM0503
As shown in the screenshot below. RUN_PD bit is mentioned here and nowhere else in the entire Reference manual.
As shown in the screenshot below. RUN_PD bit is mentioned here and nowhere else in the entire Reference manual.
I am using STM32 Nucleo-l476rg. I am trying to use the CAN peripheral and have tried every resource I came across. I am unable to send or receive messages:I have no filter, everything is wired correctly, what could be the issue? I even made it so tha...
Hi, to whom it may be concerned,I have a question about how to debug. I recently moved my successed project from stm32u585ci without smps with QFN to this lower mass and lower power consumption package, stm32u585ciy6qtr. This is my first time doing s...
Good morning everyone!I'm working on a project involving FreeRTOS, lwip, and Ethernet with the ST32H563VGT6 MCU on a custom PCB.I'm attaching the hardware schematics, which we've taken from ST's schematics of the NUCLEO-H563ZI board. I'm including a...
Hi, I am working on STM32C071 I wrote code to jump to ST bootloader from my application. The code seems to work well, after jump to ST bootloader, I can connect to ST Bootloader by USB, using STM32CubeProgrammer. I can read flash data, option byte......
GreetingsI am using STM32F030C8T6TR for ADC on two channels IN1 & IN3. It works. However I wanted to add DMA. When trying to add DMA , It shows on two channels channel 1 and channel 2 , Though the datasheet mentions DMA is available for 5 channels. I...
Good morning. I am working with the Discovery kit with STM32H7B3LI MCU and want to get its internal resistance. I want to use 10 buttons, each with one resistance, and then get the correct value for my MCU. I already know how to get the values betwee...
Hello, trying to send array below. The '0x00' part is not received in terminal, see image below. char binary_data[] = {0x01, 0x02, 0xAB, 0x00, 0xCD}; HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart5, binary_data, sizeof(binary_data), HAL_MAX_DELAY); How can I get this t...
I can program my bespoke board using a repurposed USB port. It would normally be used by a mouse.I was under the impression that if I powered up the board with BOOT0 pin held high the MCU would be in a state to connect to USB and do it's enumeration....
I am using a custom board which is using stm32l4r9aii6 as the main microcontroller . The full name of the microcontroller is following :- stm32l4r9aii678a3n . The firmware for this board was developed on stm32l4r9 discovery board which uses the follo...