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Flashing issue using Zephyr & STLink

Hello,We are migrating to zephyr, the board which is supported by zephyr is nucleo_g0b1re, but out actual controller is stm32g0c1ret3. Both are of same family, have same memory and all. I have just made changes in the overlay file for my application,...

STM32 Timer encoder mode with synchronization

I am using STM32H753.My TIM2 is in Encoder mode, and I give two external signals from my incremental encoder to TIM2_CH1 and TIM2_CH2. My TIM2 is counts perfectly (Up or Down) when I move the encoder clockwise or anticlockwise.Now i want to syncroniz...

MJ_1992 by Associate II
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We are developing a product using the STM32U5A9 MCU running FreeRTOS. We need to integrate USB Mass Storage (MSC), but the latest CubeIDE does not provide configuration options for USB_OTG regarding USB classes. It appears that integrating USBX from ...

nfkt by Visitor
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STM32H7 USB CDC - without VBUS pin?

I am using the STM32H743ZIT6 MCU to enable USB CDC. In my schematic, I have not defined the VBUS pin; I have only defined the CDC lines. Can I still use CDC without the VBUS pin? Below is the photo of my schematic for reference. Please help me.Thank ...

Rahu2710 by Associate
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how to configure HSI in STM32L5...

Hello,I would like to know if it's possible to configure my evaluation board HSI, I have this code and I would like to adapt it on my evaluation card and see if it is compatible with the rest :  // HSI // void SystemClock_Config(void) { RCC_...

DYann.1 by Senior II
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Troubleshooting "External Loader"

Hi STM32 enthusiasts, I’m reaching out to the community for advice and guidance on an issue we’re facing while developing an external loader for our custom board. We’ve been working with the STM32H730IBK6Q chip and an external memory MX25LM51245GXDI0...

HispaEmo by Associate III
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Timer output influenced by other timer

Hi everybody,I have TIM15, configured to PWM generation, in one shot configuration, using OC1N output. The output is set to 0 and timer disabled.. When I later initialize TIM1, the output of TIM15 goes high at the instant the Update event is generate...