User Activity

 Good morning everyone!I'm working on a project involving FreeRTOS, lwip, and Ethernet with the ST32H563VGT6 MCU on a custom PCB.I'm attaching the hardware schematics, which we've taken from ST's schematics of the NUCLEO-H563ZI board. I'm including a...
Hi! I'm using a custom board with STM32H563 and recently, I've set up the Ethernet connection, but I'm encountering issues with GPDMA interrupts for controlling a PWM signal for one wire communication to control addressable LEDs. In my project, I'm u...
Hi! I'm using Inolux_IN-PI554FCH LEDs with a custom PCB, controlled by an STM32H563VGT6.When using the LEDs and setting a colour like 255,0,0 (RGB) the noise generated on the data track is negligible. However, when I set a colour that is not 255, the...
Hi! I am configuring DMA to generate a PWM signal to control addressable LEDs with an STM32563VGTx MCU.My issue arises when generating the PWM signal using DMA. When calling the "HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_DMA" function, it executes without any errors, and th...