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i have flashed a stm32f103c8t6 with freejoy code but now i am trying to re-use this for another project but how to i flash this back to a stock form.


as when plugged back in to pc its coming up with they freejoy and not able to get it to show for programming


So is this a Blue Pill board this STM32 part is on?

If the BOOT0 pin is HIGH it should probably come up as an "STM32 BOOT DEVICE" type USB device, and you could upload code via STM32 Cube Programmer.

Alternatively you could connect up the SWDIO/SWCLK to an ST-LINK and program that way.

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the st link doesnt see the board now, if i use the software for the freejoy i can re-program the board with its firmware

but i am unable to remove the firmware as i dont know how and get it back to showing as a com port under device manager

You have an ST-LINK? Not clear what hardware you have. You've mentioned a chip, not a product / board.

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