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Forum Posts

Resolved! stm_h747disco uart

If i use the serial interface USART1 HAL_UART_Transmit()( is directly available as a Virtual COM port of a PC connected to STLINK-V3E USB connector CN2) could show in com9 in pc, but uart8(D0/D1) in com9 didn't show anything, This result should be ri...

wjian.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32MP157 Dual ADC Data by DMA

Hi all,I trigger the ADC through TIM 2(1HZ/s) and set the ADC to Dual Mode. ADC1 & 2 each have 5 channels. multimode.Mode = ADC_DUALMODE_REGSIMULT; multimode.DualModeData = ADC_DUALMODEDATAFORMAT_32_10_BITS; multimode.TwoSamplingDelay = ADC_TWOS...

User code crashing Cube IDE debugger

I posted details here maybe somebody here may recognise it.The new forum software here doesn't like URLs to certain other sites so I hope thi...

PHolt.1 by Senior III
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STM32 FDCAN Send CAN messages without ACK

Good morning:I'm working with the STM32G431KB on my own board. In the project we send messages thanks to the FDCAN HAL module driver layer for wakeup other ECU by expecific CAN messages. Situation:I am working using Polling mode for FDCAN: hfdcan1.I...

Can't use FDCAN alongside TouchGFX

Using an STM32H750B discovery board, I'm trying to set up FDCAN. However when I activate either FDCAN1 or 2, the clock configuration needs to be adjusted, as by default, the FDCAN receives 200MHz, but van only accept up to 100. If I run the automatic...

Fixr by Associate
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How to make use of Vbus Sensing for USB device?

We are using USB_OTG_FS in Device mode in STM32U575 series. In our application, we enable the USB peripheral on external GPIO pin rising event & disable the USB peripheral on external GPIO pin falling event. Need to know how to make use of Vbus Sensi...

sn1 by Associate
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AC Signal Input

I have a STM32-C3 and was wondering what is the best way to sample a bipolar AC signal? In addition, does the STM32-C3 support ADC gain?

STM32G030 PA8 etc...

Hey!I'm using the STM32G030F6Px, physical Pin 15 is home of PB0, PB1, PB2, PA8. How do you select which GPIO is connected to the pin? This is explained in the reference manual regarding PA11/PA9, set with the PA11_RMP bit in SYSCFG_CFGR1.There is no ...


CAN Messages not sending

Hi, I am using the following:cubeIDE 1.13.1/STM32F072C8U6/baud = 250K - I attached a picture of my clock diagram & param setup.Hi, I am using the following:cubeIDE 1.13.1/STM32F072C8U6/baud = 250K - I attached a picture of my clock diagram & param se...

DBles.1 by Associate II
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