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3-wire SPI Receive - RXNE not working

STM32G031 SPI in 3-wire half duplex mode. When reading data (BIDIMODE=1, BIDIOE=0), how can I tell when I have clocked in a complete u8/u16?Neither RXNE or FRLVL appear to get updated until I stop the transaction.I have it working by using a delay in...

X-CUBE-AUDIO spiritMP3 license

I am planning to sell an application that runs on the STM32F7 for a fee. If I use spritMP3, it will come with a license cost?X-CUBE-AUDIO spiritMP3 licenseYou mentioned here that spritMP3 is available free of charge, but I would like to confirm if th...

tuck by Associate
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STM32H743 fdcan not sending messages from FIFO

Hello everyone,I'm trying to use the FDCAN of the STM32H743 using the Tx FIFO. The board correctly receives all messages, but when trying to send them from the FIFO, it fills without sending anything. This is a piece of the code:if (HAL_FDCAN_AddMess...

NGiar.1 by Associate II
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