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STM32F407 ADC Issue

Hello all,I'm using STM32F407 ADC1 with DMA enabled for sampling on 4 channels at same time, the configuration for these 4 channels are all same with DIV4 clock and 12Bit Resolution, but only 3 of them are working fine, and one channel always returns...

XLei.3 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H7 max SDRAM clock speed for 480MHz

ST example uses 400MHz / 4 = 100MHz for SDRAM. What should the SDRAM clock be when the system is running at 480MHz? If we use 480/4 then it is 120Mhz for SDRAM, but datasheet shows max of 100MHz for SDRAM! Are we stuck running SDRAM at 60Mhz? Or run ...

Dat Tran by Senior II
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STM32G0B1 system bootloader and GPIO conflicts

Hello,We have designed a board around a STM32G0B1CB where almost all the 48 pins are used for different stuff (lots of analog inputs, communication and PWM).It is not our first design with STM32 uC, but we are facing an issue here and I would like to...

Kraal by Senior III
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Hi ,I am trying to use 2 usart in stm32wl. But right now I am using Single uart which default PA2 and PA3 we can access through debug port, But I am trying to use through other gpios or pins through ttl But the output is not coming in terminal if I c...

L431 stops working after enabling DAC

I am trying to use the onboard DAC to generate a sine signal. The program runs without any problem on the Nucleo L432KC board but it would not work on our PCB with L431. As soon as the DAC is enabled with LL_DAC_Enable(DAC1, LL_DAC_CHANNEL_1); the pr...

ZJing by Associate III
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inline assembly macro inconsistent

I am using the STM32F746VET6. I am aware that assembly instructions do not have a guaranteed in execution time, however I am surprised how consistently inconsistent my inline assembly macro is behaving. I'm really hoping there is just a mistake in th...

RBack.1 by Senior
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stm32h723vgh6 ethernet problem

Hi,I have some problems with LwIp on custom board. Cpu type - stm32h723vgh6, ethernet chip - adin1200ccpz.Phisical layer works fine (link led is up). I've generated cube project with UDP and ICMP support according to recommendations in example projec...

zemlemer by Associate
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