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Forum Posts

Resolved! Help implementing SPI using just registers

Hello everyone,I am having trouble communicating with CC1101 radio SPI slave. With HAL, the transfers work well and I am able to read every register, but because I am using stm32f042 MCU, I'm low on flash memory because I'm also using USB CDC. So I'm...

LLope.31 by Associate III
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STM32U585 RTOS - Threadx - PSA certification

Hello team,Greetings!We have selected Trust zone MCU STM32U585ZIT6Q (U5 series) for our product (EV charger) development.We planned to use STM32 inbuilt 'Threadx' OS as RTOS for our product FW development. Could you confirm, is this PSA certified? Al...

Siva1 by Associate
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Resolved! EOT to early

Hi.implementing a SPI master (NOT using HAL) with software based SS i am searching for the right way to detect the end of a transmission to release the SS again.EOT (in SPI_SR) gets set when the last Bit is is set to the MOSI Lane. --> so this is too...

dbahr by Associate II
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Resolved! 32kB flash overflowing using just USB CDC and SPI

Hello everyone,I am trying to use both USB CDC and SPI on a STM32F042F6P6 MCU. Unfortunately, without even writing almost any code (just an HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive() and a CDC_Transmit_FS()) it says the flash memory overflows by 1484 bytes.Is this no...

LLope.31 by Associate III
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STM32CubeIDE not flashing MCU

Hi! I'm trying to flash a STM32L422KBT6 with STM32CubeIDE 1.13.2 and ST-LINK V2 and I keep getting this error: Error: failed to erase memoryEncountered Error when opening C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.13.2\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\

Resolved! SystemClock_Config() fails with some clock rates

I'm trying a simple blinking LED on a STM32H743VIT6 with STM32CubeIDE 1.13.2, using the clock configuration wizard. When the clock rate is set to 90MHz everything is fine, but at 480MHz the program cannot get past the SystemClock_Config() call. When ...

iforce2d by Associate III
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STM32F103RCT6 - BusFault on address 0x20010000

Hi all,I'm trying to debug a bus fault that happen on a region on ram that is not supposed to exists. MCU has 48kb of RAM, so start from 0x20000000 to 0x2000C000, but i'm able to write 0xFF from 0x2000C000 to 0x20010000.. why??I can see also some dat...

rdzdvd by Associate II
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