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Forum Posts

ST-LINK/V2 USB Connection Error

I connected STM32F401CCU6 board and ST-LINK/V2 with a SW called STM32 ST-LINK Utility. I'm sure it worked yesterday, but I don't know why it doesn't work now. The screen keeps saying "ST-LINK USB Connection Error" and plug in the USB and refresh, it ...

Park by Associate II
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STM32F303CBT6 DAC and PA4/PA5

I read a lot about it for other STM32 MCUs but can't find any confirmation that it’s not possible to use PA4 and PA5 as GPIO output and DAC1 channel 1 and channel 2 internally for STM32F303CBT6. There's a hint in the errata of another STM32F303* usin...

DRH by Associate III
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Resolved! How to reduce I2C frequency from 100Khz to 20KHz

Hi, i am using STM32F401RE Nucleo board and i want am using I2C channel in standard mode which is upto 100KHz but i due to little long length of communication cable, i want my I2C frequency to be around 20KHz. I am using HSI only as clock source.This...

DJ1 by Associate III
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USB GPIO Alternate function

Posted on March 26, 2013 at 01:59I am using STM32L152 evaluation board. I realized that the USB HID module does not configure the USB D+ D- line as GPIO Alternate function. I wonder that what is the usage of GPIO Alternate function for USB?

cng by Associate II
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Resolved! Standalone MCU Application - Unable to Flash F103

Hey, I am currently trying to get my own hardware to run on STM32 Microcontrollers. In this case, I am using a F103RET6, LQFP64 package. It is being used with very improvised hardware, as a proof of concept only. The layout looks like so, made in Kic...

gatmt_0-1693909074563.png gatmt_1-1693909456365.png gatmt_2-1693909488186.png gatmt_3-1693909557441.png
gatmt by Associate II
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