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STM32F105 64 pin bootloader

Hello I have been asked how difficult it will be to create a custom bootloader for the STM32F105.We are for some reason using the 64 pin version of the chip and from the AN2606 i can see """""Workaround• For 64-pin packagesNone. The bootloader cannot...

sklindt by Associate II
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stm32G474re adc performance

ADC analog bandwidth tests:--board nucleo-G474re, on-board voltage reference.--sampling rate 2.8 msps, free-run mode, 12-bits, --156 kHz & 19.47 MHz.  Approximately at 19 MHz ADC has ENOB < 6 bits, limiting factor seems to be aperture jitter about 12...

156.25kHz-3.jpg 19.47MHz-3.jpg adc test circuits.png
MasterT by Lead
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HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady() returning HAL_BUSY

Hi, I'm using an STM32F401RE board for a class(programming using MacOS). Right now, I'm using VSCode and make to edit and compile my code, then using stlink to flash it. Now, I'm trying to communicate with an MPU6050 using I2C; however, when I run HA...

AllanLiu by Associate II
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How to wipe the flash memory of an STM32L476RG

Hi all,I am working on a research project for my school that involves me programming a microcontroller, however, the program that I most recently flashed to my board causes the processor to quickly heat up and cause a burning smell. I am unsure if th...

STM32F103CBT6 Erase Chip using ST-Link Utility

Hi, I designed PCB including STM32F103CBT6 and I have attached schematic here as a reference. I am using SWD with an adapter from (Olimex LTD / ARM-JTAG-20-10) then connect through ST-LINK/VE debugger. After checking all voltage rails on the board, I...

shin212 by Associate II
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SSI Slave implementation up to 10Mhz

Hi Everyone,I am  trying to implement a SSI slave for high speed applications (up to 10Mhz) on SMT32. I am not a firmware engineer and don't really have experience with this protocol. In my application, the master SSI sends the clock signal to read 4...

Jcer by Associate
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Adding Buzzer sound in Button (TouchGfx)

I am currently using the touch gfx button with its callback function to call PWM code to execute when I press the button on the GUI as shown below.#include <main.h> #include "cmsis_os.h" extern TIM_HandleTypeDef htim4; void MAINViewBase::buttonCallb...

ZExpo.1 by Senior
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