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Hello everyone, can someone help me understand how to use the RTC and convert it to UTC using the HAL libraries, without using the time.h library?
Hello everyone, I am using an STM32U575RG, and I would like to know if anyone can help me understand or show me how to use the RTC and convert it to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Hello, I am using the STM32U575RG microcontroller, and I am developing a board with a NEO-M8N model GPS, and I am using LPUART1. However, I am wanting to implement it with DMA. Could someone help me explain how to configure the microcontroller with D...
I downloaded version 1.15.1 of the STM32 IDE, but when I start a new project and select the STM32F103C8T6 as the MCU, the first image appears. However, when I try to update the firmware, it asks for a login, and the second image appears. I have searc...
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