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Forum Posts

Flash as EEPROM with STM32F100XX

Posted on June 18, 2011 at 13:50I am trying to use the Flash as EEPROM and need to store some user datas into the flash. uint8_t User[]='''' May i know how to store the above data in the FLASH? In the application notes i found th...

ezyreach by Associate II
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USB transfer

Posted on June 06, 2011 at 17:11Hello, I want to do a USB transfert from my computer to an USB. I am working with IAR embedded workbench with a stm32f107vct6. All the examples given with the software can't help me because it is for doing a USB mouse...

I2c2 start bit generation fail in STM32F103RB

Posted on May 29, 2011 at 12:41Hi, allI2c2 start bit generation fail - after timeout of 10 ms I2C_FLAG_SB = RESET = 0 but I2c1 work well read and write. anyone can help ? More details: 10k poll up on each pin. Clock Speed - 50000.I2c2 start bit gen...

stack problem and privilege mode

Posted on June 16, 2011 at 14:48hi. i am using the STM32f103 chip and i am having all sord of problem that takes me to the Hard Fault inturpt . when i check the SCB->CFSR register i am getting all sord of errors like : ''the processor has attempted ...

ezrab by Associate II
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Posted on July 04, 2011 at 14:17I want to implement USBTMC with STM32 USB-FS-Device lib and don't know where to start :( Any hints ?

TIM2 in STM32F100C8

Posted on June 30, 2011 at 10:25I m trying to use TIM2 as a general purpose timer to generate an interrupt at every 10mS. void Timer2_Init(void) {     TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TIM_TimeBaseStructure;         TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Period = 10;    ...

ezyreach by Associate II
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uart2 interrupts

Posted on July 04, 2011 at 10:30I can tx and rx on uart2 without interrupts, so I know the uart is setup ok.  I've enabled interrupts, (I think) but the irq handler never gets called.I've enabled interrupts in cr1, and wrote ffffffff to the nvic set...

smead by Associate II
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Core cm3

Posted on June 21, 2011 at 10:18extern uint32_t __get_PSP(void); Hello, When I compile an example, I have all these errors, they said incomptabile declaration for all the folowing list: extern void __set_PSP(uint32_t topOfProcStack); extern uint32_t...

STM32F100R4H6 SMBus interrupt problem

Posted on July 01, 2011 at attach file there's my code. i've to manage smbus using interrupt (no polling allowed). I don't understand why the interrupt doesn't start. The code doesn't me any error. Is it correct manage the smbus protocol...