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stm32f103, USART1 Send but dosen't recieve

Posted on August 12, 2011 at 19:55hello everybodyi'm using stm32f103rb to send and recieve data via USARTUSART2&3 work completly but USART1 send data but can not recievei tried the keil's example but it didn't workplz help me solve the problemThanck...

Fail to read from EEPROM

Posted on September 10, 2011 at 11:17Hi, When I read from EEPROM multiple times, it succeeds to read for the first time but then it fails always even if I reload the project. To solve this issue I have to power off the board (unplug the USB cable). ...

alfaez by Associate II
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My STM32F207 is going to getting FIRE !!

Posted on September 10, 2011 at 21:56Hi Hi i have a problem with my STM32F207 ! after a while its getting so hot although its run the Program ! i measure the 3.3V current and see it is not normal and about 1.2 Amp !!!!!! I am sure that the VDD suppl...

STEVAL-IFS013V2 Drivers

Posted on September 11, 2011 at 07:02I received a kit to twst two STEVAL-IFS013V2 USB dongles and I began to follow the software installation instructions.  Unfortunately, they call for me to point WIndows to a file named stmcdc.inf which is no wher...

F2xx: What can cause an ADC overrun?

Posted on September 09, 2011 at 22:00I'm having a lot of trouble with ADC overruns on the F2xx part, and I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what might be going on. I have the ADC running in ''DMA mode 2'', dual ADC mode, simultaneous sam...

First simple Keil GPIO not working! HELP PLEASE!

Posted on August 30, 2011 at 07:12So i took the Stm32 project and changed the configuration to the bank i wanted to use and changed the main to a very simple bit switch. can someone tell me why it wont work? #include <stm32f10x_lib.h>      ...

ICP through SWD?

Posted on September 01, 2011 at 09:07Where can I find information how to program an STM32 through the SWD interface?

sima2 by Associate III
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CAN transmission error

Posted on September 09, 2011 at 11:44i wanted to use the discoveryboard with STM32f105RB for a CAN interface. If i'm sending a message, if will be able to measure it on CANH and CANL. But the message is sent continuously and the flag CAN_TSR_TERR0 f...

mic by Associate II
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