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max flow with lwip, for 4 tcp serveur

Posted on November 18, 2011 at 14:36hi,sorry for my english, but i'm french.I use the stack LWIP with stm32F107VC. I have create 4 TCP serveur (port 5001,5002,5003,5004).When a connect client of port TCP (exemple 5001), i send a string (1400 bytes) ...

USB HID example compilation issues with IAR

Posted on November 16, 2011 at 17:35Hi, I have downloaded UM0424 and opened the SWARM workspace in IAR workbench v6. The project compiles with lots of error, all of which are like this: declaration is incompatible with ... then it lists a data type ...

GPIO toggle, uneven high and low.

Posted on December 09, 2011 at 14:39Hi,  I want to measure the clock of my stm32f225rg chip. I am doing it by toggling the bit of gpio port B and checking using scope.  Rather than using the routines in the standard peripheral library, I am programm...

Possible to avoid FLASH_Erase() stall on stm32f103?

Posted on December 08, 2011 at 20:04Hi, I'm using ADC with DMA and periodically erasing the flash pages. But the dma interrupt is not fired while i'm erasing the flash pages. I'm also using a lot of flash constants in my code. Is it possible to avo...

tedmosby by Associate
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Listening SPI communication between two ICs

Posted on December 08, 2011 at 22:01hi everyone,Two boards communicate via SPI, I try to read what master sends to slave and what slave responds with my STM32 eval board.I simply connected 3 wires to CLK, CS and MOSI lines of master IC to three GPIO...

STM32F1/F4 incompatible I/O

Posted on December 08, 2011 at 19:32From their respective RMs: STM32F1... 0x4002 2000 - 0x4002 23FF Flash memory interface STM32F4... 0x4002 2000 - 0x4002 23FF GPIOI Thus a project predicated on STM32x compatibility must have at least different I/O ...

picguy2 by Associate II
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