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Forum Posts

RAM access by address

Posted on September 12, 2012 at 08:10Hi,I want to have the ability to read/write to a specific address in RAM. How could I do that in C.Any suggestions? #really-bad-idea

usafape by Associate II
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STM32 .elf to .bin conversion problem

Posted on September 12, 2012 at 15:49Hi all, I am using Ride gcc compiler for STM32F105RC, after compilation I get .elf file , I converted it to .bin using ''arm-none-eabi-objcopy'' utility, if I flash .bin file using Flash loader utility provided b...

Interrupt on RTC Alarm

Posted on September 11, 2012 at 15:27Hi guys, I'm trying to get the RTC alarm to cause an interrupt on an STM32F101 but I'm having issues. The RTC is running but the interrupt doesn't seem to be being triggered. I'd be very grateful if anyone could ...

new by Associate II
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Co-work TIM2 and TIM3

Posted on September 13, 2012 at 15:12 Hello, friends. I have a task: I need to generate short buzz, when I pressed a button (''User'' button on STM32L-Discovery). What I did? 1. Connect TIM2_CH2 with BUZZER (connect to PA1) 2...

zuew by Associate II
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LSM330DL- Scale factor problem

Posted on September 12, 2012 at 16:22Hi all, I am using accelerometer & gyrometer in LSM330DL to build my own IMU. I want to ask about scale factor that is given in LSM330DL datasheet, it is really strange. When I use accelerometer, FS is 01 --> sc...

40802528 by Associate II
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[STM32F205RC] Better USB stack ?

Posted on September 11, 2012 at 11:02Hello, I'm using the ST provided stack for about a year now but still have plenty of issues (high consumption, some reports lost, non reliable connection, etc). I use device USB only with HID profile (one report ...

root by Associate II
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''Can't halt the core''

Posted on September 13, 2012 at 02:32Hello Every1,           Recently, i've been getting a weird error message from my STM32F4 discovery board. After the compilation, when i tried to enter the debug mode the following error message is displayed ''Ca...

vivek2 by Associate II
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MicroXplorer Request

Posted on September 07, 2012 at 23:08Wish-list: 1] Make the program also a standalone program for Linux, 32+64. 2] Make it able to generate code. 3] AND also able to import existing code, so that one can adapt it easily  to a another processor in t...