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STM32F4 Discovery FSMC problem

Posted on January 08, 2013 at 03:18I am trying to get the F4 discovery board to communicate with a FPGA board via the FSMC but I am having some problems. I have connected the data 0-15 lines, we, oe, and addr 16-23 from the discovery to my fpga. I c...

networking STM32s

Posted on January 08, 2013 at 20:31I have a question.  I need to connect 2 to 6 STM32s together.  I have motors I need to collectively control with a human machine interface.  Each motor will be controlled by one STM32.  The HMI also needs a STM32. ...

drobison by Associate II
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Posted on December 12, 2012 at 10:09I am trying to use an LCD HD44780 (2X40) with STM3210C-eval. I want to configure it for 8 bits mode. #re-inventing-the-wheel

aymen by Associate II
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STM32F207 I2C DMA and NAK

Posted on January 08, 2013 at 15:38I am using DMA to transfer data to/from an EEPROM over I2C. Most of the time this is working fine but on the odd occasion when reading from the EEPROM the I2C peripheral does not seem to be sending a NACK when the ...


Posted on January 04, 2013 at 07:37HiI am attempting to interface the aptina mt9d111 with the stm3240g-eval board.To initialize all the cam registers, I have to make use of I2C. As far as I know I2C sends only 8-bit data. But some of the registers a...

nakulrao by Associate II
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STM32F3xx opamp input bias?

Posted on October 13, 2012 at 06:49Input bias current is not listed, so I don't know how to size a resistor divider for use with the STM32F3xx series. Has anybody measured it? Is it hiding in a datasheet I haven't found?Thanks!-Sasha #opamp

what are the EXTI LINE I can use?

Posted on January 06, 2013 at 23:25I wanted to use EXTI4 EXTI5 and EXTI6 with the door GPIOA but I get the an error   ''EXTI5_IRQn'' is undefined  ''EXTI6_IRQn'' is undefinedI have not found the list of lines Exti that I can use! you can tell me whe...

orn by Associate II
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24 ksps on SDADC on STM32F37x

Posted on January 04, 2013 at 10:52 We have aSTM32F37x eval board for testing and I'd like to set up some code that will sample 24kHz 16-bit with the SDADC. According to documentation it should be able to sample 50 ksps if you don't use multiple...

mk by Associate II
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