Resolved! SD_CARD refuses to mount with fmount returning FR_NOT_READY
STM32F7 Series
STM32F7 Series
In the manual it states, that reset value is 0x000.., and that 0xFFFF... is reserved. But when debugging, i see, that it is 0xFF... . When now assigning a new value to it via HAL_GPIO_Init(), the register does not take the new values.Hold on!I just f...
I have tried many things but cannot seem to get ADC multichannel DMA with Freertos on STM32H735G-DK working.I have setup the ADC to use DMA following many tutorials. I have set up a task to start the ADC with DMA, but the conversion complete callback...
Dear Experts,I need your help, I am interfacing 16-bit DAC LTC1668 50MHz with STM32F411CCU6. I have used Timer 4 as 1MHz CLK for DAC, on Half Pulse Complete interrupt I update the GPIO Port (Port A A0-A7 are D0-D7, Port B B0-B7 are D8-D15). But Facin...
Hi Team,I'm working with the STM32H745I-DISCO board for UART communication. As I'm working with UART, I'm able to get the data through UART3 from STLINK. But I also need same communication through UART 1 and UART4. Could you please help me with the e...
Hi,I'm creating a Keil project (uVision V5.36.0.0) for a STM32H563ZITx target using the reference choosing STM32CubeMX under Run time Environment settings and generating the gdsc file from...
Hello! I have a H563ZI and a KEYSIGHT oscilloscope.I configured H563ZI as controller and sent an ENTDAA , then problem occired: 1.slave updated its dynamic address which as same as static address and different with what i set. 2.there ...
Hello STM32 community,I am currently working on a project utilizing the STM32H757 microcontroller, which boasts 8 UART interfaces. In my application, I have configured all UARTs to operate in interrupt mode for receiving data.My concern arises when m...
#define EEPROM_SEC __attribute__((long_call, section("EepromSection")))EEPROM_SECint add(int a, int b) {return a + b;}static __attribute__(( aligned(32))) uint32_t code_buf[20] = { 0 };// main(void) {HAL_Init();SystemClock_Config();MX_GPIO_Init...
Hi, I wonder has anyone experience with baremetal USART implementation as I have attached a Source file for USART for a 'STM32G0B1RET' discovery board but it just sits there and doesn't transmit anything? See attached (usart.c). I have basically just...