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Forum Posts

Using VBUS is not a must

Posted on September 03, 2013 at 10:04I saw an old post that people said VBUS is a must, well, it is not From the datasheet 30.5 - ''The VBUS pin can be freed by disabling the VBUS sensing option. This is done by setting the NOVBUSSENS bit in the OT...

igal by Associate II
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Debugging Ethernet

Posted on September 14, 2012 at 17:49Hi,I have a new board based on STM32F407 that is wired iin RMII with a  KSZ8031RNL PHY. I would like to port the stm32 f4 eval board sample to my board. I have defined the RMII_MODEHere the maping of the phy     ...

Dma -> usart circular buffer questions

Posted on August 29, 2013 at 04:24 I was trying to write out the usart using dma. I thought everything was working till I actually looked at the data. The data seemed to always be wrong so I extracted all the relevant code to test it separately ...

Flash/Program memory Increase

Posted on September 02, 2013 at 16:21Hi, Sorry this might be a stupid question as I have not done enough research. But if some one could answer will save me lot of time. Is there a way I can increase the program memory of STM32f407 using external f...

STM32F4 I2C issues

Posted on September 01, 2013 at 18:26Hello, I am trying to get the I2C bus to run with the MMA8452 accelerometer, but it just wont. I can generate a start condition but nothing else. I'm watching the bus lines with a scope/logic analyzer and I can s...

totally by Associate II
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Stm32f4 ADC exemple

Posted on August 31, 2013 at 19:50hello i tried ST's adc exemple and i got weird values of my variable while debugging , for exemple i got 30 for 2.0 v and -1000 for 2.5 v , so anyone have a working code with no weird things? and thnx :)

help - F103 window watchdog

Posted on August 31, 2013 at 21:45 hello dear forum, I am trying to setup window watchdog on F103 I want wwdg to be reset in a window of 8 - 12 milisecond I set wwdg prescaler to 2 so wwdg timer is counting every 0.227 microsecon...

STM32L151 Signals generator with time shift/delay

Posted on August 28, 2013 at 16:10Hi,I'm trying to generate 3 signal using TIM3&TIM4.the first signal run at 8MHz, DutyCycle 50%, the second signal should run every odd cycles of the first signal and the third should run every even cycles of the fir...

tamir by Associate
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