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Forum Posts

Understanding the purpose of ADC_SMPR

Posted on October 13, 2013 at 06:46Hi,I'm trying to understand what the ADC_SMPR register is used for.According to Reference Manual we have following control on the ADC conversion time:ADC_CR1 Register:Bits 25:24 RES[1:0]: ResolutionThese bits are w...

dimax by Senior
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STM32F3 - ARM Cortex-M4 32-Bit MCU- SPI

Posted on October 07, 2013 at 21:54Hi, I am using the Discovery F3, I am trying to interface with an SPI port device which requires a 32 bit transfer and 8 bits for address, in the data sheet, the data size is between 4 and 16 bits. I would know if ...

SPI BSY flag

Posted on February 22, 2012 at 17:14Dear All, I have two separate STM32F103's communicating to each other by SPI. I've configured one as a master & the other as a slave. I'm using DMA to automate the SPI transfer. I've used the ST Library (3.5.0) e...

PWM signal prescaler

Posted on October 12, 2013 at 18:48Hello, in fact I've been working on the STM32F3 Discovery Board and I could generate a PWM signal. But there is still something I couldn't understand, which is how to calculate the prescaler value according to the ...

mehdi23 by Associate
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delay func using TIM2

Posted on October 12, 2013 at 18:10 I want to write function using timer 2 for have millisecond in STM32F103 I just don't know why this doesn't work! TIMER2 config: void config_TIM2() { NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructur...

_behn4m by Associate II
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PA11 and PA12 on STM32F3 discovery

Posted on October 11, 2013 at 20:44 hi, below is the code i wrote just to change the states of pins PA10, PA11, PA12 and PA even though pin PA10 and pin PA15 gives the correct output to the functionsGPIO_SetBits() andGPIO_ResetBits(); PA11...

what about Structure?

Posted on October 11, 2013 at 18:12thank you Cliveand just another problemwhat about structures? how should I declare and use STRUCTURE in multiple .C files?

_behn4m by Associate II
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STM32W reset issue

Posted on October 03, 2013 at 07:34Hi everyone, I am currently using mb950 revA board based on STM32w108cc on some WSN demos. I have noticed that, mcu resets itself after pressing pushbutton with a duration of 4-5 seconds. (except reset button) Hav...

enes by Associate II
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