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How to measure speed of STM32F429

Posted on December 10, 2013 at 06:34I have a STM32429I-EVAL board, initialized it and made it work, but I am not sure if the processor speed is up to max. The function RCC_GetClocksFreq returns 180 MHz, but cannot trust its return. I did a loop to t...

STM32F4 Discovery as SPI slave with interrupts

Posted on June 13, 2013 at 11:08hi,  I am working on  a project where I need to sample some data using the ADC in discovery at 1MSPs and transfer it to a raspberry pi board via SPI. As Rpi supports only SPI master mode the discovery board acts as a ...

Suggest an Eval Kit for STM32F101CB ?

Posted on December 09, 2013 at 06:37Hi, I am in search of Evaluation Kit for STM32F101CB , I am bit confused about picking a right evaluation board for this processor :( Can anyone please suggest me a good evaluation environment for STM32F101CB  ??...


Posted on June 01, 2013 at 17:23I'm trying to use to CPAL library to send data between I2C1 and I2C2 devices. I use STM32F0DISCOVERY. I2C1 is master, I2C2 is slave. In logic analizer I see that master send addres of slave but no ACK from slave. In ...

STM32F4 Discovery FSMC not working in 8bit mode

Posted on July 15, 2013 at 21:40 Hello I am working on a project that uses FSMC .Everything is fine when I use 16bit mode but in every write i need to shift the data <<8 to bring it on to the D8-D15 lines . I cant use DMA like this . so i need a...

STM32F4 and SSD1963 noise problem

Posted on December 09, 2013 at 15:02I have 7'' TFT  with SSD1963 chip. I  noticed that there is a picture on the screen, but there is a big problem. As soon as I touched the screen body anywhere , the screen was dark. In addition,  when I replaced s...

Suggest an Eval Kit for STM32F101CB ?

Posted on December 09, 2013 at 06:43Hi, I am in search of Evaluation Kit for STM32F101CB , I am bit confused about picking a right evaluation board for this processor :( Can anyone please suggest me a good evaluation environment for STM32F101CB  ??...

ADC 12bit in STM32f4 discovery

Posted on December 07, 2013 at 17:01Hi. Can you show me ADC register map of  ADC1 and ADC2 12 bit? in example incle lib  ADC3_DR_ADDRESS     0x4001224C. I read manual but can find it. In ADC I see 0x000 - 0x04C ADC1.0x100 - 0x14C ADC2.Thanks

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