STM32f4xx ADC values to voltage float values
Posted on October 19, 2013 at 04:49The original post was too long to process during our migration. Please click on the attachment to read the original post.
Posted on October 19, 2013 at 04:49The original post was too long to process during our migration. Please click on the attachment to read the original post.
Posted on October 05, 2013 at 11:08Hey Everyone Using a I want to use Tim2 and Tim3 for generating a PWM, and want to start them both together such that they run prefectly in sync. Unfortunately, this ...
Posted on October 08, 2013 at 01:50Guys, Why is my code sometimes running sometimes not ? When I plug in J-Link, it's stable but if I plug it out, it's not stable ?? Is it because a power supply from USB ? Any ideas ? Thanks
Posted on October 14, 2013 at 23:32 Hi guys, I'm trying to use printf function with C++ code. The code is working but only first 11 characters are successfully written. any ideas? that's the code: /* Includes ----------------...
Posted on October 09, 2013 at 15:26Where can I download this ST library? Here is the doc describing it, but no link/url to where to get it !
Posted on October 14, 2013 at 13:35Guys, Does anyone of you ever use M41TC8025? I'm looking for an example code for STM32 if there's available .. thanks
Posted on October 17, 2013 at 12:23Hi all,the TimeBase example in stm32f3discovery_fw reports the next code in main.c file:CCR1_Val = 40961;TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Period = 65535;TIMx->ARR = TIM_TimeBaseInitStruct->TIM_Period ;What I really don't ...
Posted on October 18, 2013 at 01:54Hi all,I have two questions about DAC configuration.1. The below cofiguration code works for two analog outputs. I can write my values to PA4 and PA5 by: DAC_SetChannel1Data(DAC_Align_12b_R, 0x0000); // P...
Posted on August 17, 2011 at 15:57Hi,I have been trying now for longer than i care to admit at getting my development board ( STM32F103R ) to talk to a sensor ( HMC5843 ) via I2C. I have gone through the STM32 code examples but they were frankly kin...
Posted on October 17, 2013 at 18:24Hi, based on the example in the peripheral lib i tried to expand the code to read 4 different pins. Googling around i managed to get values, but the problem is: the first (adc channel 11) is working fine, but the s...