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STM32CubeF4: I2C Slave

Posted on April 22, 2014 at 14:26Hi, I have just started my first project using the new STM32CubeF firmware library (on an STM32F4-Discovery board). I do not understand how to implement a normal I2C slave using the I2C HAL. Why are there two functi...

budde by Associate II
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C++ relevant bug in generated usbd_conf.h

Posted on April 15, 2014 at 22:08I found out that in my case the generated usbd_conf.h file contains a bug which is only visible when including it from a c++ file. The code contains the typical conditional 'extern ''C''' declaration at the beginning...

henry by Associate
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IAP programming errors

Posted on April 01, 2014 at 15:06 Dear List, I am working on IAP on the STM32F4Discovery board and flashing only occasionally works. I started from the example describing IAP using an USART. But I use USB to download the data...

Sietse by Associate III
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No VBAT pin on STM32L152 ?

Posted on April 14, 2014 at 18:48Hi All,Can anyone please advise why there is no VBAT pin on STM32L152 MCU?I read that RTC runs as long as the MCU is powered...but when its not, then what ?How to implement RTC backup supply on this MCU?Thanks!regard...

Tom by Associate II
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STM324x9I-EVAL1 and SDRAM timings

Posted on April 22, 2014 at 08:03Hi there, I've been surprised to hit BW limit of SDRAM on the eval board. This happened trying to transfer DCMI data to SDRAM, while using SDRAM as data segment as well. Entering the gory details, I checked setup/tim...

STiH207 ?

Posted on April 21, 2014 at 09:15Guys, STiH207I'm just wondering, where can I find the discussion for this chip ? thanks, STiH207Advanced dual HD AVC proc...


Posted on April 20, 2014 at 05:22Guys, I tried to read SDHC 8Gb with SDIO and it works fine, but when I change into 64Gb SDXC, it doesn't work ? Do you have any ideas what the cause is ? When I tried with SPI and Atmega controller and SPI , they're ...

Microcontroller load

Posted on April 21, 2014 at 11:17How do I calculate/decide the clock frequency of a microcontroller and load it can take?for example, if a controller is capable of 32MHz clock frequency, with 4UARTs, USB host, 2 I2C & SPI, 20 GPIOs, an LCD controlle...