2014-03-04 3:59 AM
Hi ,
I am about to draw the schematics of a card which has STM32F405RG on it. I want to program my card throug SWD port. I made the pin connections as I described below: NRST: pulled up to VDD with 100K SWDIO: pulled up to VDD with 100K SWCLK : pulled down to GND with 100K. Are these conections are correct? I have STM32F4 discovery kit when I look at the schematics of the discovery board I see that SWDIO is pulled to low, SWCLK is p?lled to high and NRST is pulled to high. However on the documenthttp://support.code-red-tech.com/CodeRedWiki/HardwareDebugConnections
it is recommended to connect as I did.I could not decide which one is correct. I will be very glad if you can help me. Thank you very much. .. tugba #jtag2014-03-04 7:15 AM
Can't say I'm seeing any pull up/down for the SW pins on the STM32F4-DISCO schematic.
I'd pull SWCLK/TCK low, though 100K is a tad on the weaker side.2014-03-04 4:07 PM
As I recall there was an errata on the F1 series about JTAG pullups but for F4 series they aren't needed. There are internal pullups on the pins when in JTAG mode. I have several F4 boards with nothing on the JTAG lines but 10 ohm inline resistors and high frequency/low capacitance TVS diodes to clamp the lines to 3.3V.
Your references may be old, when only the F1 series was available. Jack Peacock