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NVIC Priority Groups

Posted on April 07, 2014 at 14:48I have read through Yiu's Cortex M3 book on the NVIC, and read this section of the COrtex M3 manual (, and am still missing the ans...

jvavra by Associate III
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STM32CubeMX - Configuration Bug?

Posted on April 07, 2014 at 14:40Hello, I wish to use the STM32F4Discovery board by using STM32CubeMX for MCU as configuration tool and Keil - MDK for code programming/debuging. The problem appear when HAL_RCC_ClockConfig(&RCC_ClkInitStruct, FLASH_L...

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dorin by Associate
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Interruption on internal event

Posted on April 07, 2014 at 10:56Hey. I have a big project that I am working on with STM32F4-Discovery board and I need to use interruptions requested by internal events ( not Timers ) such as variables changing. Can anyone help me with that? Thank ...

mejrissi by Associate II
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PLLRDY Not Going Active For External Crystal

Posted on March 01, 2013 at 20:52I have three prototypes assembled that use the STM32F407 processor. Two of the boards work fine but the third board is having a problem with the clock setup. I am using an external 25MHz crystal and setting the main ...

ryanrj by Associate
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Posted on March 24, 2014 at 15:39 I'm working with STM32L151, and I'm trying to set the LSI clock as Timer 10 source. I tryed the following configuration but it didn't work properly (counts at system clock frequency). Can anyone help me to find t...

tg22410 by Associate II
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Posted on April 06, 2014 at 03:23I'm using a STM32F3 Discovery and connecting it to labVIEW the problem is that I can't receive more than one byte. Can someone help me modifying my code to allow multiple byte reception. I'm testing it sending someth...

STM32F4 Discovery HD44780 4bit mode

Posted on June 16, 2012 at 22:38 Can't seem to get any text output using the 4 bit mode of the chip (managed to get 8bit mode). Tried following the HD44780/SPLC780D datasheets to no avail. Here's my code. Hope someone can help as I've been strug...


Posted on January 18, 2013 at 17:03Hi, I work with STM32F0, I connect this to SPIRIT1.I need assistance of ST, because I have difficult to work spirit1. I read and write register of SPIRIT1 with successfully. I use the library of ST for work with sp...