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interrupt problem for dma in usart

Posted on March 12, 2014 at 17:01 hi clive. thanks for information. i completed my code for stm32f4 Discovery with your idea with the link that you put here. i think it should be worked , but it doesn't. what's your idea about my code??? thanks ...

Error: Using CubeMx to Generate Project for STM32F429

Posted on March 10, 2014 at 03:49Hi all, I used STM32CubeMx to generate project for stm32f429, a .ioc file(v510.ioc) was generated(see the attachment). The Keil MDK was collapsed when opening the project V510.uvproj. Why? Did ST had any example(ioc...

albhuang by Associate II
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STM32F107 Uart 5 always sets MSB when sending

Posted on March 11, 2014 at 18:56Hi everyone, the title says it all. Scope tells me the timing is fine and the signal looks like it should. Receiving on the other end works. Except the MSB always being set to 1, no matter if I try to send values hig...

Stm32f4 discovery formware update + CoIDE

Posted on March 12, 2014 at 12:04Hello everybody! Yesterday I upgrade my stm32f4 discovery st-link v2 firmware. After that the coocox give error at erase flash. I have another board with old firmware, this is working well. What can I do this sutiati...

totti001 by Associate II
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Using Standby Mode with the RTC

Posted on March 03, 2014 at 17:40Hello everybody. I am developing some test firmwares on a STM32F103 based board. After some working programs using the sleep mode, now I need to do some experience with the much more powerful standby mode. I need to ...

emilio by Associate II
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Discovery board programming problem

Posted on February 06, 2014 at 11:54I am using IAR with STM32-Value line discovery board. I am trying to program the kit but not getting programmed giving error like below, Fatal error: ST-Link DLL not found   Session aborted!  Can any one guide me ...

anand by Associate
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STM32F303 SPI1 slave

Posted on March 11, 2014 at 19:18Hello,I am using the STM32F303 with SPI1 in slave mode and no data packing.  I am seeing an issue where I will get an interrupt when a byte is received, but the status register says that there is nothing in the recei...

Detemining the driving capability of an STM32 output

Posted on March 11, 2014 at 21:48I'd like to model if it's practical to drive an STM32 output into a transistor.  I've got some Optimos 3 transistors with a 2.8v Vth: transistor would b...

dannym by Associate III
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STM32F4-DISCOVERY LD8 lights whole time

Posted on March 11, 2014 at 02:34LD8 LED is ON (USB over-current) regardless to program. Furthermore receiving data by UART3 using pin PC11 is impossible, but with PD9 works fine. Earlier I had no problems, and now after connected the board to the c...

bkdi by Associate II
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STM32F0XX analog watchdog config

Posted on March 11, 2014 at 16:50Hello everybody,I'am trying to use analog watchdog on STM32F051K4 and I face some problems. I want to measure a pulse on PA0 (ADC_IN0) of 100us wide with an 1V amplitude above 0.5V offset. There is no example on this...