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Every time when it reaches the line:if (IS_TIM_SLAVE_INSTANCE(htim->Instance))it is going to nowhere see image 1 and on image 2 you have more info about the registers.One maybe non standard of our HW is that we are powered by 1.8VThis occurs every ti...
Posted on March 13, 2015 at 16:08Hi,I'm starting 2 new projects (1 with STM32F407 and one with STM32L152).Currently the CubeMX integrates the freeRTOS 8.1.2, when will this be updated to the 8.2?What is the ST strategy regarding the updates?What wou...
Posted on April 24, 2014 at 19:43Hi,I have to revceive data from a device that is sending I2S with 8 bit data format....The smallest I see is the I2S_DataFormat_16b,...Is there a way that I can receive correctly this 8 bit data format?Thanks
Posted on March 25, 2014 at 11:52Hi,I saw on the latest version of STM32L1xx Standard Peripherals Library Drivers,V1.2.0 something that I do not like.Look at those macros:&sharpdefine IS_RCC_APB1_PERIPH(PERIPH) &sharpdefine IS_RCC_APB2_PERIPH(PERIPH...