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STM32F030 RTC wakeup from STOP mode

Posted on September 04, 2014 at 23:04I'm writing an app, that most of its time will spend in STOP or STANDBY mode (battery powered microsystem). I'd like the internal RTC to wakeup my STM32 every 5 minutes, enter the ISR, do its tasks in ISR (ADC me...

slatybor by Associate II
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Two different DMA-Channels with same target?

Posted on September 03, 2014 at 07:15Hello, i was thinking about, if it would be possible to write to one peripherie register (for example the CCR1 of a Timer) with two different DMA-Channels. For sure not at the same time, but at different points ...

simple time scheduling-systick-stm32f407

Posted on September 04, 2014 at 11:34hi every body.i have a 6 or 7 sensors which all of them are connected my stm32f407 through ADC,Usart and i2c(kind of sensor fusion)i want to show the data of these sensors in pc through usart.i did this , but i j...

STM32L Max Voltage to FT pin while unpowered

Posted on August 01, 2014 at 02:45Can someone confirm if applying ~5.0V to a 5V tolerant pin on an STM32L151 while unpowered (VDD=0.0V) will damage it?The latest datasheets specify the Absolute Maximum Ratings are VDD+4.0V for FT pins, but bench tes...

STM32f030 low-power

Posted on June 12, 2014 at 08:33Hi Did anybody try low-power modes on STM32f030 MCU? Specifically Stop mode. I can't get current under 200 uA. Did anybody succeed and get under this? If yes, please share how? I have disabled almost all of controller...

dejan2 by Associate
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STM32f302RCT6 Y revision package marking problem

Posted on September 04, 2014 at 14:44Dear Forumers! I've just started to solder in the pcb components into my pcb. I have a MCU as in the title mentioned, and I've faced a problem about the chip placement. In the official drawing the package only co...

Using TIM1 as a PWM input

Posted on September 04, 2014 at 18:13 I am trying to set up TIM1 on my STM32F407 to act as a PWM input but I'm not having any luck. I have successfully used TIM2 with an identical circuit but when I modify the code to run on TIM1 I never get the...

keith by Associate
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STM32F401 64pin pin1 marking / orientation

Posted on May 20, 2014 at 11:52I just want to place a STM32F401 64pin LQFP chip on my PCB, but to my surprise this chip has 2 pin 1 marking dots, on two diagonal corners. If I position the chip such, that I can read the text ''ARM STM32F401...'', th...

flyer31 by Senior
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STM32F429 minimal schematic

Posted on August 08, 2014 at 17:21Hello! I'd like to design minimal schematic for STM32F429. I'd like to have all pins connected to goldpins. I want to program through ST-LINK and SWD. Please check my schematic. It's in the attachment. Thanks! #s...

erazmus by Associate
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