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Forum Posts

SPI DMA Rx transfer error

Posted on September 18, 2014 at 02:05I want to change polling SPI to DMA SPI. Now I get stuck and have looked up lots of material. None of them is working for me. The original polling SPI code works fine. I implemented the following code for the DMA...

intcd31 by Associate II
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STM32F103 SysTick Timer Problems

Posted on September 18, 2014 at 13:24Hello community,first of all I’m using the STM32F103RCT6, CooCox IDE 1.7.7 and ARM GCC 4.8. Now to my problem. I’m trying to implement a task similar processing by using the Systick timer. I initialized the SysTi...

STM32F205 - Store byte array in FLASH

Posted on August 01, 2013 at 10:33Hi,I need to store a byte array in the STM32F205 flash memory. I've followed an approach that was working on a STM32F103 mcu, but now it doesn't work anymore.The problem is that the first call to the FLASH_ProgramBy...

TIM1 interrupt STM32F0

Posted on September 15, 2014 at 13:56Hi,I need to know if it's possible configure TIM1 as timer base (I need interrupt every 5 msec). Thanks

mosine by Associate II
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TIM_PWM_INPUT for 8 inputs

Posted on September 17, 2014 at 14:57Hello everyone, I'm using the board STM32F4-discovery, I redid the example TIM_PWM_INPUT and everything works, I can measure the frequency. The problem occurs when I want to simultaneously measure 8 different spe...

cchechio by Associate II
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unefficient ST software tools for STM32

Posted on September 17, 2014 at 13:55Other companies like as ATMEL, TI (CCS), Freescale, Silabs, Infieon provide software development software (include eclipse based IDE, GNU compiler, Drivers, Middleware) for their products. example: http://www.sil...

STM32F4Discovery STLink/V2 SWV

Posted on September 17, 2014 at 18:23I've been running into a problem with STLink/V2 SWV output when running firmware V2J21S0. The first time after plugging into USB, trace output works great. However, after disconnecting from the target and then re...

jcsoo by Associate II
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