2014-07-15 03:03 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm working on a STM32F427 with CoIde on Windows Vista for a long time now without any issue. Since yesterday my debugger became very slow, very very slow. when i hit the ''pause'' button it takes approximatively 20 secondes to hold and it's the same for breakpoints. I didn't do anything weird it just happened... Of course i'have already tried to update my St link, reboot my computer, reboot coocox, re-install st link drivers. Of course when i don't start the debugger everything works fine.
I can't debug anymore !
please help.
#cross-post2014-07-15 04:20 AM
2014-07-15 05:08 AM
I would start with the Task Manager, to find out which task/process consumes that much CPU time. Perhaps you are at the RAM limit on your host, thanks to Java IDE's like Eclipse ...
And yes, the Coocox forum is a better place to ask this.2014-07-15 07:55 AM
Think a bit harder about what changed initially, be it your code or the computer. Now you've changed everything, it's going to be much harder going back to the initial working state.
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