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STM32F3 UART with DMA transmit max. 4 bytes

Posted on January 02, 2015 at 18:32Hello, I've test the STM32F303 for using it in a new project. The configuration and libbrary are used from the CubeMX with the IAR compiler. Now I can maximum transmit 4 bytes over the UART with one DMA transfer. H...

bm2 by Associate III
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What is the proper way to send HID key codes to host?

Posted on February 06, 2015 at 06:12I am using the st32cube HID middle ware library to implement a keyboard device.  I am using USBD_HID_SendReport to send key data to the host.  But this function will exit without doing anything if the bus is not a...

h500ca by Associate
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STM32 TIM2 ARR requires 32-bit access

Posted on February 05, 2015 at 21:30 Hello, I found some unexpected behaviour with the 32-bit TIM2 module on STM32F4xx devices, and many others. When accessing the TIM2->ARR (a 32-bit timer) register, 16-bit writes have the following behaviou...

lcd segment & i2c stm32l053

Posted on January 28, 2015 at 05:29 I created a project by STM32cubeMX, the project has : I2C interrupt communication with sensor, display data by LCD segment: int main(void) {   MX_GPIO_Init();   MX_I2C1_Init();     MX_LCD_Init(); ..... ... .. B...

STM32CubeF4 RTC init code suggestions.

Posted on February 05, 2015 at 19:59Here's the thing, the interface code generated by CubeMX (src/rtc.c) is not as malleable as ST may think. If I make changes to this code, it gets stomped when code gets generated. So, my code gets lost when a new ...

unable to drive SPI port using STMCube generated code

Posted on December 10, 2014 at 23:38Hi, I am trying a simpleexperiment using my STM L1 Discovery board. I have created a project using the STMCubeMX GUI that has the SPI port enabled as Master. The clocks have been configured correctly and I have a ...

bnp979 by Associate III
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Posted on February 05, 2015 at 12:26HELLO. My Name's Giorgio and i have a problem with this card. When i connect the card ,my pc doesn't detect the card. The card turns off 3 lights by USB link: 1- Com ,2-PWR 3-LD4 .Trough my Operating system and ot...

STM32F100 ADC Setup

Posted on February 05, 2015 at 17:05Hi, Im trying to get the ADC working on the STM32f2100RB Discovery board. The code keeps getting stuck in the underlined, bold line of code. ****ADC Setup code**** void Config_ADC1DAC1 (void){       //ADC Set-up  ...

STM32F205RB - unused pins

Posted on February 04, 2015 at 22:37 Hello - I have a few questions on unused pins for this device - We will not use the RTC.  Can we leave the LSE pins unconnected?  Or do we tie them to a rail?We will not use the ADC, DAC, sensors etc.  Can we l...

rick2399 by Associate II
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