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Forum Posts

lock file

Posted on February 25, 2015 at 13:47Hello I downloaded the example of stm32f334 discovery board ; I want to change the code of the files main  file ; it is locked  read only ; I am using keil ; how can I open it ? Thank you

Application code breaks bootloader

Posted on February 25, 2015 at 13:34I've seen a number of similar threads but I don't think any quite cover the problem I am having here using an STM32F407.I have implemented my own bootloader for updating via CANOpen SDO protocols. This works fine ...

[SOLVED] stm32f0 discovery board as debugger

Posted on February 23, 2015 at 23:15 Hi everyone! I am using st-link on stm32f0 discovery board and ST-LINK utility to program some other boards and that is working like it should. I am working with stm32f030 processor. I am wond...

zlajoan by Associate II
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USB devices with 2 interfaces.

Posted on June 19, 2014 at 18:02Hi guys, looking for some help with a USB device I have which has 2 interfaces. The first interface is HID, and the second is MSC. I've modified the USB Host library so that it doesn't it doesn't fail in the MSC Inter...

STM324x9I-Eval : Trace Configuration

Posted on February 23, 2015 at 23:53Hello everyone,I juste received an ulinkpro so I can use the ETM feature later on in my development.  Right now, I am trying to simply display a variable in the logic analyzer but I get no synchronization.  I read...

keaven by Associate II
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stm32f429 and tft

Posted on February 24, 2015 at 09:43Hi, i am  trying to understand, how to connect  tft(without controller) to stm32f429. In STM32F429I-discovery board  there are tft screen. Does it work in de-mode or sync-mode? Please,help. #it''s-deja-vu-all-o...

STM32CubeMX With Multiple Versions of Keil

Posted on February 24, 2015 at 02:41I have both Keil Uvision 4.7 and 5.14 installed. CubeMx only gives me the option to select MDK- ARM V4.7 in the Project->Settings->Toolchain/IDE selector.How can I get MDK-ARM V5.14 to appear in the Toolchain/IDE ...