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FSMC NAND flash speed?

Posted on April 07, 2015 at 19:24What transfer rate (read and write) can be expected for an FSMC interface to NAND flash, 8 bit data path, DMA, STM32F4xx at either 48 or 168MHz? Is it heavily influenced by choice of NAND flash chip vendor/part?

RTC after power cycle

Posted on April 06, 2015 at 17:15I am using the STM32L1C8 with either its LSI oscillator or an attached LSE (32.768 kHz).  Either way, when I load the code through Keil the RTC module updates properly but when I do a full power cycle the RTC module ...

andrew2 by Associate II
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Problem on EXTI interrupt

Posted on July 01, 2014 at 14:28Hi,In my application, I have a PPS (pulse per second) signal with a period of 1 second and pulse duration of 200 ms. This external signal is connected to an EXTI line which generates an interrupt at each rising edge o...

asecen89 by Associate II
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Best way of implementing stopwatch

Posted on March 31, 2015 at 08:20Hi,Which one is the best way of implementing stopwatch in stm32f429? Currently i am using soft timers for stopwatch. But it has time  drift in long period when compared into my mobile stopwatch. I have using RTC also...

STM32L0xx USB firmware

Posted on April 01, 2015 at 16:24Hello everyone, I am currently working on a project using the USB port to a PC host. My problem is that my device is detected as ''unknown usb device'' . Do you have any suggeestion? Also I am looking for a USB firmw...

justine by Associate
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TIM1 PWM output configure issue

Posted on April 07, 2015 at 11:54TIM1 PWM output seems to be a lot more difficult to understand than TIM2~TIM5. I was totally lost when trying to understand how MOE, OSSI, OSSR, CC1P and CC1E work together to control the output level of CH1 and CH1N...

song by Associate II
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[STM32F3] UART cannot print if handler is on !?

Posted on April 07, 2015 at 05:31As bright as the title suggests, I'm gonna post my setting over here~ Anyone please help me check it.. You have my utmost gratitude :) My UART4_Handler is empty, there's only a STM_EVAL_LEDToggle(LED4) to check its c...

chenping by Associate II
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stm32f429 disco PA1 & PA2 gpio issue

Posted on April 06, 2015 at 08:30I was able to toggle gpio PA0 & PA13 , but when I try to do the same using PA1 & PA2 I'm not seeing any changes on these pins (used an oscilloscope to monitor). When I checked the schematic I could find these pins ar...